Synchronization of Multiagent Plans Using a Temporal Logic Theorem Prover

Abstract : Most of us at some time have stopped to watch the construction of a house. It is interesting to watch the successive stages of the project and the activity of workers engaged in the various tasks necessary to reach the desired product. This simple example is useful in considering aspects of the planning problem. The planning problem is to find some plan that can guide the activity of an agent or agents to achieve a desired goal. The particular subproblem considered here is that of resolving possible conflicts between elements of a plan. There are several ways subplans can interact: * One subplan may achieve the precondition of another. For example, the sides of a house must be built for support before the roof is laid. * One may remove the precondition of another. Plumbing is best connected before the wall is finished so that access is easier * One may upset a condition that needs to be maintained for a time. The act of building the front steps requires that, while the concrete is drying, others should avoid working on the roof where they may drop things on the new steps. * They may cooperate. If a truck is sent to pick up timber, it may be efficient to collect bricks on the same trip.