DI.2: Enterprise Interoperability-Framework and knowledge corpus-Advanced report

Interoperability has many definitions and connotations to different people in different sectors and domains. Starting from a pure software problem in the middle of 90's, interoperability is taking on a wider meaning than it had 10 years ago, to cover the many knowledge spaces, dimensions and layers of single and collaborating enterprise. A clear categorisation/ characterization of various kinds of interoperability are needed in order to better coordinate Enterprise Interoperability developments. The DI (Domain of Interoperability) created on the basis of previous WP6 (Design principles for interoperability) aims at, on the one hand defining precisely the enterprise interoperability concept, and on the other hand capturing and structuring enterprise interoperability knowledge within INTEROP NoE. The ultimate goal is to construct a knowledge corpus and establish the interoperability domain as a research discipline.