Wireless Personal Communications: Advances in Coverage and Capacity

Preface. I. Novel Wireless Systems and Hardware. 1. Cellemetry - Telemetry via Cellular T.F. Evans. 2. Smart Antenna Testbed for Mobile Wireless Systems J.P. Kennedy, S.W. Ellingson. 3. A Practical Perspective on Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) Systems N.L. Romanowich. 4. Low Cost BPSK 2.4 GHz Radio for Wireless LAN W.O. Camp, et al. 5. Error Floor of pi/4 DQPSK in Mobile Radio Channels A.F. Molisch, E. Bonek. 6. Real-Time Implementation of QCELP Vocoder for Speech and Data in CDMA Cellular System Using TMS320C50 Fixed Point DSP Chip J.W. Kim, et al. II. CDMA and DSP Techniques. 7. Spread-Spectrum Packet Radio Using Narrowband Headers R.K. Morrow, Jr. 8. Congestion Relief on Power-Controlled CDMA Networks J.M. Jacobsmeyer. 9. A Simulation Study of Interference and SIR in Integrated Voice/Data Wireless DS-CDMA Networks K. Das, S.D. Morgera. 10. Comparative Study of Adaptive Antenna Arrays in CDMA Communication Systems P.A. Murphy, G.E. Ford. III. Propagation and System Design Issues. 12. Site Survey for Wireless Communications Evaluation for New York Mercantile Exchange C. Panasik, et al. 13. Measurement of RF Propagation Into Concrete Structures Over the Frequency Range 100 MHz to 3 GHz C.D. Taylor, et al. 14. Interference from Wireless Devices into Network Equipment Inside COs Between 450 and 914 MHz M. Hoque, et al. 15. Fading Phenomena in the Wireless Environment F. Bohn, et al. 16. Transmitter Timing Optimization in Digital Simulcast Networks R.Petrovic. 17. The Prediction of the Performance of Diversity Systems by Modal Analysis and FDTD G. Dolmans. 18. The Spectrum Management Process: How it is Working to Support the New Wireless Services D.J. Cohen. 19. Analysis of Eigenstructure Technique for DSSS Synchronization N.R. Mangalvedhe, J.H. Reed. 20. Future Wireless Challenges for Integrated Circuits D.E. Fague. Index.