MESSENGER Mission Overview

Abstract The MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft, launched on August 3, 2004, is nearing the halfway point on its voyage to become the first probe to orbit the planet Mercury. The mission, spacecraft, and payload are designed to answer six fundamental questions regarding the innermost planet: (1) What planetary formational processes led to Mercury’s high ratio of metal to silicate? (2) What is the geological history of Mercury? (3) What are the nature and origin of Mercury’s magnetic field? (4) What are the structure and state of Mercury’s core? (5) What are the radar-reflective materials at Mercury’s poles? (6) What are the important volatile species and their sources and sinks near Mercury? The mission has focused to date on commissioning the spacecraft and science payload as well as planning for flyby and orbital operations. The second Venus flyby (June 2007) will complete final rehearsals for the Mercury flyby operations in January and October 2008 and September 2009. Those flybys will provide opportunities to image the hemisphere of the planet not seen by Mariner 10, obtain high-resolution spectral observations with which to map surface mineralogy and assay the exosphere, and carry out an exploration of the magnetic field and energetic particle distribution in the near-Mercury environment. The orbital phase, beginning on March 18, 2011, is a one-year-long, near-polar-orbital observational campaign that will address all mission goals. The orbital phase will complete global imaging, yield detailed surface compositional and topographic data over the northern hemisphere, determine the geometry of Mercury’s internal magnetic field and magnetosphere, ascertain the radius and physical state of Mercury’s outer core, assess the nature of Mercury’s polar deposits, and inventory exospheric neutrals and magnetospheric charged particle species over a range of dynamic conditions. Answering the questions that have guided the MESSENGER mission will expand our understanding of the formation and evolution of the terrestrial planets as a family.

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[99]  J. Warell,et al.  Albedo-color distribution on Mercury A photometric study of the poorly known hemisphere , 2006 .

[100]  Xiaoli Sun,et al.  Two-Way Laser Link over Interplanetary Distance , 2006, Science.

[101]  Johannes Benkhoff,et al.  BepiColombo: Payload and mission updates , 2006 .

[102]  S. Solomon,et al.  The MESSENGER mission to Mercury: Development history and early mission status , 2006 .

[103]  Robert W. Farquhar,et al.  MESSENGER Mission Design and Navigation , 2007 .

[104]  Erick R. Malaret,et al.  The MESSENGER Science Operations Center , 2007 .

[105]  David E. Smith,et al.  The Radio Frequency Subsystem and Radio Science on the MESSENGER Mission , 2007 .

[106]  David E. Smith,et al.  The Mercury Laser Altimeter Instrument for the MESSENGER Mission , 2007 .

[107]  Mark E. Holdridge,et al.  Launch and Early Operation of the MESSENGER Mission , 2007 .

[108]  New images of mercury's surface from 210° to 290° W longitudes with implications for Mercury's global asymmetry , 2007 .

[109]  Clark R. Chapman,et al.  The Geology of Mercury: The View Prior to the MESSENGER Mission , 2007 .

[110]  P. Lucey,et al.  A Mariner 10 color study of Mercurian craters , 2007 .

[111]  R. Jurgens,et al.  Large Longitude Libration of Mercury Reveals a Molten Core , 2007, Science.

[112]  J. Head,et al.  Mercury: Radar images of the equatorial and midlatitude zones , 2007 .

[113]  Andrew F. Cheng,et al.  The Geophysics of Mercury: Current Status and Anticipated Insights from the MESSENGER Mission , 2007 .

[114]  Kim Strohbehn,et al.  The MESSENGER Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer , 2007 .

[115]  Mark R. Lankton,et al.  The Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer for the MESSENGER Mission , 2007 .

[116]  S. Solomon,et al.  MESSENGER and the Chemistry of Mercury’s Surface , 2007 .

[117]  Barry H. Mauk,et al.  The Energetic Particle and Plasma Spectrometer Instrument on the MESSENGER Spacecraft , 2007 .

[118]  B. Anderson,et al.  The Magnetometer Instrument on MESSENGER , 2007 .

[119]  Richard D. Starr,et al.  The X-Ray Spectrometer on the MESSENGER Spacecraft , 2007 .

[120]  James A. Slavin,et al.  MESSENGER: Exploring Mercury’s Magnetosphere , 2007 .

[121]  Andrew F. Cheng,et al.  Mercury’s Atmosphere: A Surface-Bounded Exosphere , 2007 .

[122]  Erick R. Malaret,et al.  The Mercury Dual Imaging System on the MESSENGER Spacecraft , 2007 .

[123]  Richard F. Conde,et al.  The MESSENGER Spacecraft , 2007 .