Tensile Testing of Groove Welded Joints Joining Thick-HSA800 Plates

In this study, a standard tensile welded-joint test was conducted to select a welding electrode suitable for recently developed HSA800 steel. Two welding electrodes were available at the time of this study; one was GMAW-based and the other FCAW-based. The tensile test specimens were fabricated by joining 60mm-thick HSA800 plates according to the AWS-prequalified groove welded joint details. Specimens which violate the standard root opening distance (ROD) were also included to see if poor construction tolerance could be accommodated. During fabrication, serious concerns about the welding efficiency of the GMAW-based product were raised by a certified welder. Both welding electrodes showed satisfactory and similar performance from welded joint strength perspective. But groove welded joints made by using the FCAW-based rod consistently showed more ductile and stable behavior. The AISC provisions for PJP joint strength were shown to be very conservative under direct tensile loading. Violating the AWS prequalified ROD by 100% apparently passed the strength criteria, but unusual crater-like fracture surface was observed.