From Demonstration Projects to Volume Market of Sustainable Construction

Abstract Following the good examp les of new buildin gs and renovations with outstanding ener gy p erformance, a main challen ge is to brin g holistic sustainable construction concep ts for new and existin g buildin gs into mass mark et. It is still at an early stage in mark et develop ment and lessons between residential or non -residential build in gs can be exchan ged. To better understand the develop ment of the mark et of high ly ener gy -efficient construction, several International Ener gy A gency (IEA) Tasks examined op p ortunities and barriers of mark et develop ment. This p ap er summarizes main barr iers and drivers detected in the differ ent tasks, involving worldwide insights from research ers and develop ers. Finally it is discussed how segments interact on each other, and how authorities may influence.