1 H-β line in a corona helium plasma : a multi-code line 2 shape comparison 3

Many spectroscopic diagnostics are routinely used as a technique to infer the plasma 12 parameters from line emission spectra but their accuracy depends on the numerical model or code 13 used for the fitting process. However, the validation of a line shape code requires some steps : 14 comparison of the line shape code with other similar codes for some academic (simple) cases and 15 then more complex ones, comparison of the fitting parameters obtained from the best fit of the 16 experimental spectra with those obtained with other diagnostic techniques and/or comparison of 17 the fitting parameters obtained by different codes to fit the same experimental data. Here we 18 compare the profiles of the hydrogen Balmer β line in a helium plasma computed by six codes for a 19 selected set of plasma parameters and we report on the plasma parameters inferred by each of them 20 from the fitting to a number of experimental spectra measured in a helium corona discharge where 21 the pressure was in the range 15 bar. 22

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