송이버섯에 대한 인식 조사 및 송이버섯의 첨가 형태에 따른 송이양갱의 선호도 비교 연구
This study was accomplished goods characteristic of the pine mushroom as application possibility and the food processing of the pine mushroom which it freezes. The recognition and use actual condition regarding the pine mushroom it executed a question investigation, and it manufactured the YangGaeng that was added the pine mushroom In each different form pre-treatment. With the product that was completed, it executed a sensory evaluation and compared a preference degree. It answered in question man 35.5%, the woman 64.5% roasts and that it eats with the result that investigated the method of eating the pine mushroom. As to the asking of them the reason that prefers the pine mushroom from investigation of the age grade, all age-grade answers, it prefers fragrance for the pine mushroom. Specially, the 10-20s answered to the reason that ate the pine mushroom because of odor and textural properties. As judging with result, in the future, the people who have a purchase intention are many and the possibility of the product development which uses the pine mushroom is high. From sensory evaluation of the YangGaeng that added the pine mushroom which was controlled in each different form, YangGaeng that 1% added the frozen drying powder of the pine mushroom and it is good most and it is evaluated.