Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy

John J. Chen, MD, PhD; Richard C. Allen, MD, PhD Chief complaint: Progressive ptosis History of Present Illness: A 58-year-old female presents with a gradual progressive worsening of bilateral blepharoptosis. She underwent blepharoplasty to both upper eyelids seven years prior to presentation to our clinic. She also has mild dysphagia and proximal muscle weakness. Past Ocular History: Blepharoplasty in 2003 Past Medical History: Non-contributory Medications: Adderall (dextroamphetamine and amphetamine), aspirin, bupropion, vitamins, trazodone Allergies: none Family History: She has a brother with bilateral ptosis, dysphagia, and profound muscle weakness. Social History: Non-smoker Review of systems: Pertinent findings are within the HPI