Flight simulation efforts in ChangGong-91 flight training device

ChangGong-91 is a 5-passenger light aircraft of utility category with a single reciprocating engine. Its Flight Training Device (FTD) has been developed to train IFR and VFR of the aircraft. The final goal of development is to build a level 7 FTD with a level A visual system satisfying FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) AC 120-408 and 45A. Its hardware is composed of cabin, IOS, display system, and computers where simulation software resides. On-line software includes realtime scheduler, flight model, I f 0 drivers, communication drivers, real-time graphic solution, and IOS software. Off-line software consists of diagnostic programs, terrain database modeling tool, and menu editor for IOS in order to support the on-line software. In developing ChangGong91 FTD many efforts have been executed to achieve real-time simulation of the actual flight with high fidelity. Among them flight tests of 80 hours, reduction of the test data, Approval Test Guide(ATG) efforts, and investigation of various searching algorithms are included.