Social interaction in learning and instruction : the meaning of discourse for the construction of knowledge
Chapter headings: Introduction (H. Cowie, G.M. van der Aalsvoort). Studying social interaction in instruction and learning: methodological approaches and problems (G.M. van der Aalsvoort, F.J.H. Harinck). Institutional framings in thinking, learning and teaching (M. Grossen). Identity and social interaction in a community of inquiry (E. Elbers, L. Streefland). Collective argumentation: a sociocultural approach to reframing classroom teaching (R.A.J. Brown, P.D. Renshaw). The development of children's social representation of the primary school curriculum (G.M. Ivinson). Learning for communication skills and social processes of peer support: a case-study of good practice (P. Naylor, H. Cowie). Co-construction in kindergarteners' free play: effects of social, individual and didactic factors (P.P.M. Leseman et al.). Activity and interaction in pedagogical contexts (J. Ireson). Mapping the dynamics of peer group interaction: a method of analysis of socially shared learning processes (K. Kumpulainen, M. Mutanen). Deep processing in a collaborative learning environment (C. van Boxtel et al.). Language for thinking: a study of children solving reasoning test problems together (R. Wegerif, N. Mercer). Guided Participation, discourse and the construction of knowledge in Mexican classrooms (S. Rojas-Drummond). Overview and new perspectives (G.M. van der Aalsvoort et al.).