An Evaluation of the Implementation of Practice Teaching Program for Prospective Teachers at Ganesha University of Education Based on CIPP- Forward Chaining

The recognition of teacher status is very high and this is followed by a requirement of a high competence level that a teacher has to have that the existence of teachers has to gain a serious attention, including also the beginning of prospective teachers preparation. Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) as one of public universities in Indonesia is given authority by the government to train prospective teachers. To produce quality prospective teachers that meet the requirement Undiksha requires all education students who will become prospective teachers to take Practice Teaching Program (PPL Real). However, in its implementation it can be said that it has not been effective yet. Thus there is a need to evaluate the implementation of Practice Teaching Program for prospective teachers at Undiksha. One of the techniques used is the CIPP model that is combined with Forward Chaining Method that is one of inferring strategies of Expert System. From the components of context, input, process, and product, the implementation of Practice Teaching Program (PPL-Real) of the education students of Undiksha in 2015 falls into an effective classification.