Delamination modelling in a double cantilever beam

The simulation of the delamination process in composite structures is quite complex, and requires advanced FE modelling techniques. Failure analysis tools must be able to predict initiation, size and propagation of delamination process. The objective of the paper is to present modelling techniques able to predict a delamination in composite structures. Four different ways of modelling delamination growth of a double cantilever beam test (DCB) are proposed. The first two approaches were based on a cohesive zone model: the interface being represented either by using delamination elements or non-linear springs. The idea of the third approach was to use a fracture mechanics criterion, but to avoid the complex moving mesh techniques it often implies. The interface between the two layers was simulated with solid elements representing the matrix, which were eliminated when their energy release rate exceeded the critical value. The energy release rate was computed using the virtual crack closure technique (VCCT). In the last approach, the interface behaviour was modelled by a tiebreak contact. Coincident nodes were tied together with a constraint relation and remained joined, until when the maximum interlaminar stresses was reached. Once this value was exceeded, the nodes associated with that constraint were released to simulate the initiation of delamination. The comparison of the results of the first three modelling techniques with experimental data showed that very good correlation was achieved. Poor results were obtained using tiebreak contact. It was due to the criterion used, since when the critical interlaminar stress was reached, the delamination was experienced before the critical energy release rate was reached.