We report that, based on the curvature radius at the convex corner of a trenched Si surface and electric field intensification, sacrificial thermal oxidation before gate oxide formation is very effective to round off the convex corner. We call it a rounding-off oxidation. From a simple one-dimensional model that considers both stress generation during Si oxidation and Stress relaxation by oxide viscous flow, it is foreseen that oxidation in a diluted oxidizing ambient and/or at a higher oxidation temperature reduces the stress in the oxide films. Experimentally, we report that the rounding-off oxidation with the above condition effectively rounds off the convex Si corner and decreases the thin gate oxide leakage currents and that the addition of a few percent of H2O to the dry oxygen rounding,off oxidation ambient is also effective. The relation between the sacrificial rounding-off oxidation and the time-dependent dielectric breakdown of thin gate oxides formed at the convex corner is also shown.
Eugene A. Irene,et al.
A Viscous Flow Model to Explain the Appearance of High Density Thermal SiO2 at Low Oxidation Temperatures
S. Matsumoto,et al.
Two-Dimensional Analysis of Thermal Oxidation of Silicon
A. S. Grove,et al.
General Relationship for the Thermal Oxidation of Silicon
R. B. Marcus,et al.
The Oxidation of Shaped Silicon Surfaces
F. L. Galeener,et al.
Raman characterization of hydroxyl in fused silica and thermally grown SiO2