The economics of managing biotechnologies

Preface. Acknowledgements. List of Contributors. Part A: Surveying the Issues: Technologies, Biology and Economics. 1. Biosafety in Agricultural Biotechnology: Balancing Social and Environmental Impacts C. Spillane, Y. Pinto. 2. Pest Resistance in Agriculture: An Economic Perspective U. Regev. 3. Biotechnology for Planted Forests: An Assessment of Biological, Economic and Environmental Possibilities and Limitations R.A. Sedjo. Part B: Managing Technology: The Economics of Managing Technological Developments. 4. On the Economic Limits to Technological Potential: Will Industry Resolve the Resistance Problem? T. Goeschl, T Swanson 5. Providing the Correct Incentives for Genetic Modifaication L. O'Shea, A. Ulph. 6. Decision Making under Temporal Uncertainty and Irreversibility: Benchmark Values for the Release of Transgenic Crops in the EU J. Wesseler. Part C: Managing Biology: The Economics of Managing Biological Resistance. 7. Managing Pest Resistance: Timing the Initiation of Refuge Areas R. Laxminararyan, R.D. Simpson. 8. Managing the Risk of European Corn Borer Resistance to Bt Corn. T. Hurley, et al. Part D: Managing Industry: The Economics of Managing Industrial Impacts. 9. Monopolisation and the Regulation of Genetically Modified Crops: An Economic Model A. Munro. 10. The Diffusion of Benefits from Biotechnological Developments: The Impact of Use Restrictions on the Distribution of Benefits T. Goeschl, T. Swanson. Part E: Policy Conclusions. 11. Plants and Biotechnologies P.J. Dale. 12. Regulatory Harmony -- Who's Calling the Tune? T. Crompton, G.T. Tzotzos.