Geosynthetic Reinforced Earth Structures

The design objective of geosynthetic reinforced earth structures is to determine the economical layout and strength of reinforcement rendering a certain criterion. Outlined are two complementary approaches that satisfy this objective. The approaches are based on limit equilibrium analysis. The analysis considers the interaction of soil-geosynthetic and the interaction among reinforcement layers. The end result ensures sufficient length and strength of reinforcement. It also considers the required strength at its front end at the connection to the facing units. One approach produces the required tensile resistance of the geosynthetics so as to render the same factor of safety everywhere. This approach yields the demand aspect in design and therefore is considered fundamental to soil reinforcement. The second approach considers the supply or the existing strength of reinforcement and renders the safety factor everywhere. This approach is the practical one as it matches the supply with the demand via safety factors. While such an approach is not novel, this paper demonstrates how it can be used effectively and objectively using color-coded safety maps to optimize the reinforcement length and strength.