Bridge sampling for evaluating structural impact of trucks

In this paper, a method for designing a statistically valid sample of bridges is proposed. The need for such a sampling procedure arises from the impracticality of a detailed analysis of the structural effects of new candidate truck configurations on the whole bridge inventory. In this study, a set of bridges from the national inventory was determined for the purpose of selecting a bridge sample. This set of bridges is referred to as the population. The selection of bridges for inclusion in the population was based on the status of the bridge, type of service, structural material, structural system type and functional class. The stratified sampling method was used in the determination of the required sample sizes. According to this method, the population was first divided into sub-populations, or strata. These sub-populations were non-overlapping. In turn, each strata was divided into sub-strata. The characteristics of each sub-stratum were estimated and combined to determine the characterics of the strata. Then the characteristics of the strata were combined to determine the characteristics of the bridge population. A comparison of the results based on the sample and bridge population was conducted in order to verify the validity of the proposed sampling procedure.