A Literature Review of Domain Adaptation with Unlabeled Data

In supervised learning, it is typically assumed that the labeled training data comes from the same distribution as the test data to which the system will be applied. In recent years, machine-learning researchers have investigated methods to handle mismatch between the training and test domains, with the goal of building a classifier using the labeled data in the old domain that will perform well on the test data in the new domain. This problem is called domain adaptation or transfer learning, and it is a common scenario in speech processing applications. Labeled training data are often produced by an expensive hand-annotation process, and may consist of only one or two annotated corpora which are used to train virtually all systems regardless of the target domain. Often little or no labeled data is available for the new domain. In this work, we review the statistical machine learning literature dealing with the problem of “domain adaptation” or “transfer learning”. We focus on unsupervised domain adaptation methods, as opposed to model adaptation or supervised adaptation in which some labeled data is available from the test distribution. We consider four main classes of approaches in the literature: instance weighting for covariate shift; selflabeling methods; changes in feature representation; and cluster-based learning. Covariate shift methods re-weight training samples in the old domain to try to match the new domain, putting more weight on samples in populous regions in the new domain. Self-labeling methods incorporate unlabeled target domain examples into the training algorithm by making an initial guess about their labels and then iteratively refining the guesses or labeling more examples. Feature representation approaches try to find a new feature representation of the data, either to make the new and old distributions look similar, or to find an abstracted representation for domain-specific features. Cluster-based methods rely on the assumption that samples connected by high-density paths are likely to have the same label. Domain adaptation is a large area of research, with related work under several frameworks (and several names). A limited review from March 2008 can be found in [1], and one from Oct 2010 can be found in [2]. A recent book [3] investigates train/test distribution mismatch in machine learning (particularly focused on covariate shift.) Some of the organization here roughly follows that in [1].

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