Outline of a Decision Support System for Area-Wide Water Quality Planning

This working paper outlines requirements for an implementation of a computerized decision support system which addresses the technical aspects of area-wide water quality planning. The framework for this work is in the context of the environmental law adopted in the United States during 1972. This law, known as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, specifies various requirements that both municipal and industrial discharges must eventually conform. By 1977 municipal waste treatment plants must have in place secondary treatment facilities and for industry it is necessary to utilize what is referred to as "best practical technology" for waste treatment. Under certain circumstances as described in section 303 of the law further treatment may be required to meet water quality standards. Section 208 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 calls for area-wide implementation of technical and management planning, with the objectives of meeting 1983 water quality goals and establishing a plan for municipal and industrial facilities construction over a twenty year period. Emphasis is placed on locally controlled planning, on dealing with non-point sources as well as point sources, and on consideration of both structural and nonstructural control methods. The scope of present examination is limited to those aspects of technical planning which are amenable to implementation within the framework of a computerized decision support system.