Innovation on Public Services using Business Process Management

Innovation in Public Administration is an important way for stimulating and inspiring governments in their reform efforts toward more inclusive development. For public sector organizational complexity is a big challenge to solve in order to strive innovation. Business Process Management can be considered as a suitable tool to resolve such complexity and continuously improve quality in public services. At the same time is critical to close the gap between business and IT prospective. In the paper we present an experience regarding the application of Business Process Management in the modelling and analysis of e- government services with reference to a case study. Resulting complexity of public sector scenario has to be considered and resolved. We believe that Business Process Management (BPM) is a suitable tool in such a context. It supports PA experts providing methods, techniques, and software to model, implement, execute and optimize organizational Business Processes (BP) which involve humans, software applications, documents and other sources of information (9). Recent works show that process modelling has been identified as a fundamental phase in BPM. The quality of BP resulting from the modelling phase is critical for the success of an organization. However, modelling process is a time-consuming and error-prone activity. Therefore, techniques, which help organizations to implement high-quality processes, and to increase process modelling efficiency, have become a highly attractive topic both for industries and for the academy. Certainly many different commercial tools have been developed to support BPM, nevertheless for what concerns the modelling phase they mainly provide support for BP editing and syntactical analysis. In the paper we present an experience regarding the application of BPM in the modelling and improvement of e-government digital services with reference to moving service. The approach we defined has been implemented in a tool chain we developed to enable automatic assessment of e-government solutions.