Joint Network-Channel Coding for Wireless Relay Networks

This work investigates the design of channel codes for error-correction in wireless relay networks with broadcast transmissions and time-division multiple access. In particular, the relay channel, the multiple-access relay channel (MARC) and the two-way relay channel (TWRC) are considered as networks. The coding schemes for the MARC and the TWRC include network coding at the relay. Network coding and channel coding is jointly designed with the aim to exploit redundancy in the network code for a better error-correction. The code design is based on turbo codes. A possible application are cellular mobile systems. Beside the code design, it is considered how to allocate the transmission time to the source(s) and the relay and a relaying scheme with hierarchical modulation is proposed to lower the computational complexity. It is also proposed to extend current H-ARQ schemes for systems without relay with cross-packet channel coding.

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