Development and validation of a fast reactor core burnup code – FARCOB

A large fast breeder reactor requires the accurate estimation of power produced in different parts of the reactor core and blanket during any operating condition for a safe and economic operation through out reactor life time. A fast reactor core simulation code FARCOB based on multigroup diffusion theory has been developed in IGCAR for core simulation of PFBR reactor under construction. FARCOB uses centre mesh differencing scheme with triangular meshes in the X–Y plane. Steady state solution results match exactly with those of other reputed codes DIF3D and VENTURE for SNR-300 benchmarks. For burnup simulation, core is divided into radial and axial burnup zones and burnup equations are solved at constant power. Burnable fuel and blanket number densities are found and stored for each mesh, so that the user can alter burnup zones and core geometry after a burnup step. For validation, results of FARCOB has been compared with results of other institutes in two burnup benchmarks (ANL 1000 MWe benchmark and BN-600 hybrid core benchmark). It is found that FARCOB results match well with those of the other institutes.