Proceedings of the twenty-second annual symposium on Computational geometry
This volume collects the research papers and the short descriptions of the video/multimedia presentations of the 22nd Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'06), held June 5-7, 2006, in Sedona, Arizona. In addition, there is an invited talk by Mathieu Desbrun. The symposium is sponsored by SIGACT and SIGGRAPH, two Special Interest Groups of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).In total, 138 papers were submitted to the conference. The Program Committee undertook an extensive review and selection process, with a distributed effort that included expert input not only from the Program Committee, but also from numerous external reviewers. We wish to acknowledge the substantial help that we received from external reviewers: Their names are listed on pages x. After an initial discussion phase conducted electronically, the Program Committee met on February 4 at Bellairs Research Institute. The 54 papers of this volume were eventually selected for presentation at the symposium. This is a new record for SoCG, and shows how alive the field is today.For handling the on-line submission process and the electronic discussion, we used the web review system initially developed for the Eurocrypt 2000 conference by Bart Preneel, Wim Moreau and Joris Claessens. We thank Terri Knight for setting up and maintaining the system for us, and Gunter Rote for computing an initial assignment of papers to reviewers for us.The papers generally represent preliminary results of ongoing research. It is expected that most papers will eventually appear in a more polished and complete form in refereed journals.In addition to the papers submitted, five videos and one Flash animation were submitted in response to the Call for Videos and Multimedia. These use animation and graphics to communicate the behavior of specific algorithms, or to introduce tools for visual debugging of geometric algorithms in general. All six were revised and accepted. These proceedings contain a short description of each contribution, and the final videos can be found online at