Abstract: Ehrlichia ruminantium, the agent of cowdriosis transmitted by Amblyomma ticks, presents an extensive genetic and antigenic diversity of key importance for vaccine formulation. Two means of nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting were developed to conduct molecular epidemiology studies in the Caribbean and Africa. The first used a conserved DNA fragment for detection of the pathogen in animals and vectors, and the second relied on the polymorphic map1 gene for genotyping. As compared to a PCR, the nested PCR showed a 2‐Log10 improvement of sensitivity and allowed amplification from ticks, blood, brain, and lungs from infected animals, providing a more accurate picture of the tick infection rate. In Guadeloupe, this rate reached 36% (N= 212) instead of 1.7% (N= 224), as previously estimated. Genetic typing was done by restriction fragment length polymorphism or sequencing of map1 amplification products. Molecular epidemiology studies conducted in field sites selected for vaccination trials with inactivated vaccine, revealed the circulation of genetically divergent strains in limited geographical areas. It is known, then, that genetic clustering based on map1 has no predictive value regarding the protective value of a given strain against a new strain. However, tracing the strains by this technique revealed the extent of E. ruminantium diversity that one can expect in a given region, and the method allows differentiation between an inadequate immune response and the challenge by a breakthrough strain on animals dying despite vaccination. Up to now, genetic typing does not avoid cross‐protection studies, which were conducted in parallel, although on a more limited scale. The importance of pathogen diversity studies for optimization of vaccine design is discussed as well as the research for new polymorphic genes. These genes may allow better predictions on cross‐protection, given the recent completion of the sequence of the full genome of two E. ruminantium strains.
B. Simbi,et al.
Detection of the Agent of Heartwater, Cowdria ruminantium, in Amblyomma Ticks by PCR: Validation and Application of the Assay to Field Ticks
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Detection of genomic polymorphisms among isolates of the intracellular bacterium Cowdria ruminantium by random amplified polymorphic DNA and Southern blotting.
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Sequence heterogeneity of the major antigenic protein 1 genes from Cowdria ruminantium isolates from different geographical areas
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B. Simbi,et al.
Development and evaluation of PCR assay for detection of low levels of Cowdria ruminantium infection in Amblyomma ticks not detected by DNA probe
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Antigenic diversity of Cowdria ruminantium isolates determined by cross-immunity.
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Immunity of tick-exposed seronegative and seropositive small stock challenged with two stocks of Cowdria ruminantium.
The Onderstepoort journal of veterinary research.
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Heartwater in hosts other than domestic ruminants.
P. Oberem,et al.
Heartwater in hosts other than domestic ruminants.
The Onderstepoort journal of veterinary research.
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Quelques observations sur une souche de Cowdria ruminantium isolée en Guadeloupe (Antilles françaises)