Integrating water balance and cost-eectiveness analysis for water management: An application in Jordan and Lebanon

This paper is part of the European MEDITATE project (MEditerranean Development of Innovative Technologies for integrAted waTer managEment). A cost-effectiveness analysis is carried out in two water catchments: Chekka Bay (CB) in Lebanon and Amman Zarqa Basin (AZB) in Jordan. The purpose is to report on the integrated use of hydrogeological models and cost-effectiveness analysis in order to design water management measures in two strategic groundwater management. Water demand and supply are assessed over the period 20052030. In CB, the water deficit is estimated to 127 MCM/year in 2030, whereas in AZB it should reach 268 MCM/year. For the purpose of the study, these values are set as the objective to overcome by 2030 for the programs of measures of CB and AZB. Planned water policy measures are identified and analysed related to their local impacts and perspectives. Where necessary complementary and alternative measures are proposed and compared in order to fulfil the water deficits at the lowest costs. Least-cost combinations of measures are proposed at the catchment scale. However, uncertainties on measures costs and water quantities constitute serious limitations to the method. Besides, the method ignores the complexity of water transfers from one catchment to another and disregards the water efficiency use between water