Brain, Vision, and Artificial Intelligence, First International Symposium, BVAI 2005, Naples, Italy, October 19-21, 2005, Proceedings

Brain Basics.- Towards a Dynamic Neuropharmacology: Integrating Network and Receptor Levels.- Cortical Architecture.- Unsupervised Recognition of Neuronal Discharge Waveforms for On-line Real-Time Operation.- Neural Connectivity and Dynamical Regimes of Neural Activity in a Network of Interactive Populations.- Signal Transmission and Synchrony Detection in a Network of Inhibitory Interneurons.- Stimulus-Driven Unsupervised Synaptic Pruning in Large Neural Networks.- Inverse First Passage Time Method in the Analysis of Neuronal Interspike Intervals of Neurons Characterized by Time Varying Dynamics.- Coding by Neural Population Oscillations?.- Neural Code and Irregular Spike Trains.- Natural Vision.- Basic Retinal Circuitry in Health and Disease.- Does a Plane Imitate a Bird? Does Computer Vision Have to Follow Biological Paradigms?.- A Neural Model of Human Object Recognition Development.- Photoelectric Response of Bacteriorhodopsin in Thin PVA Films and Its Model.- Non-image Forming Function of the Extraocular Photoreceptors in the Ganglion of the Sea Slug Onchidium.- A Population-Based Inference Framework for Feature-Based Attention in Natural Scenes.- Multi-modal Primitives as Functional Models of Hyper-columns and Their Use for Contextual Integration.- Three Dilemmas of Signal- and Symbol-Based Representations in Computer Vision.- An LGN Inspired Detect/Transmit Framework for High Fidelity Relay of Visual Information with Limited Bandwidth.- On Cognitive Dynamic Map and Its Use for Navigation in Space.- Visual Selection in Human Frontal Eye Fields.- Multi-scale Keypoints in V1 and Face Detection.- Limitation of Maintenance of Feature-Bound Objects in Visual Working Memory.- Molecular and Functional Diversity of Visual Pigments: Clues from the Photosensitive Opsin-Like Proteins of the Animal Model Hydra.- Learning Location Invariance for Object Recognition and Localization.- Artificial Inteligence.- Enacted Theories of Visual Awareness: A Neuromodelling Analysis.- Mind as an Anticipatory Device: For a Theory of Expectations.- A Cognitive Model for Autonomous Agents Based on Bayesian Programming.- A Structural Learning Algorithm and Its Application to Predictive Toxicology Evaluation.- Combining Rule-Based and Sample-Based Classifiers - Probabilistic Approach.- Mapping and Combining Combinatorial Problems into Energy Landscapes via Pseudo-Boolean Constraints.- Robust Ellipse-Specific Fitting for Real-Time Machine Vision.- A Feature-Based Model of Semantic Memory: The Importance of Being Chaotic.- Semantic Web Services with SOUL.- Artificial Vision.- Modeling the Brain's Operating System.- A Bayesian Approach to Situated Vision.- A Fuzzy Scale-Space Approach to Feature-Based Image Representation and Retrieval.- Active Acquisition of 3D Map in Robot Brain by Combining Motion and Perceived Images.- Lateral Interaction in Accumulative Computation: Motion-Based Grouping Method.- Detecting and Ranking Foreground Regions in Gray-Level Images.- Incomplete Contour Representations and Shape Descriptors: ICR Test Studies.- Rotation and Scale Invariant Shape Description Using the Contour Segment Curvature.- A Study on Enhanced Dynamic Signature Verification for the Embedded System.- Spatio-temporal Attention Mechanism for More Complex Analysis to Track Multiple Objects.- Stereovision Disparity Analysis by Two-Dimensional Motion Charge Map Inspired in Neurobiology.- Image Analysis and Automatic Surface Identification by a Bi-level Multi-classifier.- Real Time Virtualized Real Object Manipulation in an Augmented Reality Environment.- Dominant Plane Detection Using Optical Flow and Independent Component Analysis.- Algorithm That Mimics Human Perceptual Grouping of Dot Patterns.- Heuristic Algorithms for Fast and Accurate Tracking of Moving Objects in Unrestricted Environments.- Single Image Estimation of Facial Albedo Maps.- Optical Flow Computation for Compound Eyes: Variational Analysis of Omni-Directional Views.- Latent Semantic Description of Iconic Scenes.- Pose-Invariant Face Recognition Using Deformation Analysis.