Blood pressureshigher inthehomethanintheclinic in rural Kenya
SUMMARY Theconditions underwhichblood pressures(BPs) arerecorded arecritical, andithas beendemonstrated several times that BPsmeasured inthehomearelower thanthose measured in theclinic.' However, these comparisons arebased on homeBPsmeasured bythepatients ortheir friends andrelatives andclinic BPsmeasured bydoctors andnurses.To our knowledge, no comparison ofhomeandclinic BPsmeasured bythesame observer hasbeenreported, andwe presenttheresults ofsucha study whichisthefirst todemonstrate higher BPsinthehome environment, perhaps reflecting theunacculturated natureofthestudy population.
[1] A. J. Honour,et al. VARIATION IN ARTERIAL PRESSURE THROUGHOUT THE DAY AND NIGHT. , 1964, Clinical science.