Haemorrhage, Ischaemia and the Perinatal Brain

Important articles of pathological interest are published in such a wide variety of journals that it is virtually impossible to keep abreast of even major additions to knowledge. The publication of this annual goes some way to rectifying this state of affairs by providing a useful summary of advances in areas not always covered by pathology journals. Thus the present volume contains an entertaining and informative article on some aspects of aural pathology by I. Friedmann as well as papers on such widely differing subjects as central pontine myelinosis, adiaspiromycosis, experimental glomerulonephritis, and odontogenic cysts of the jaws. Of more immediate relevance to practising histopathologists perhaps are admirable reviews on asbestos and mesothelioma by Kannerstein and his colleagues and a well illustrated account of early squamous carcinoma of the lung by Darryl Carter. Waldo and Ackermann provide a clear and concise chapter on the confusing conditions known as epidermolytic hyperkeratosis and focal acomtholytic dyskeratosis which will be of value to the general pathologist faced with skin biopsies. The book is worthy of a place in every histopathology laboratory, and one looks forward to future volumes. It is cheap at the price. M. S. DUNNILL