Exploiting Hierarchical Structures for POI Recommendation

With the rapid development of location-based social networks, Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendation has played an important role in helping people discover attractive locations. However, existing POI recommendation methods assume a flat structure of POIs, which are better described in a hierarchical structure in reality. Furthermore, we discover that both users' content and spatial preferences exhibit hierarchical structures. To this end, in this paper, we propose a hierarchical geographical matrix factorization model (HGMF) to utilize the hierarchical structures of both users and POIs for POI recommendation. Specifically, we first describe the POI influence degrees over regions with two-dimensional normal distribution, and learn the influence areas of different layers of POIs as the input of HGMF. Then, we perform matrix factorization on user content preference matrix, user spatial preference matrix, and POIs characteristic matrix jointly with the modeling of implicit hierarchical structures. Moreover, a two-step optimization method is proposed to learn the implicit hierarchical structure and find the solution of HGMF efficiently. Finally, we evaluate HGMF on two large-scale real-world location-based social networks datasets. Our experimental results demonstrate that it outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of precision and recall.

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