Keysight B1505A power device analyzer output pulse current calibration method

Keysight B1505A Power Device Analyzer has many functional testing projects, the calibration method is more complex. This paper focuses on how to control the output current of Agilent B1505A, solves the problem of impedance matching when calibrating pulse width and we investigate the relatively high accuracy test pulse amplitude method. After comparing the technical specification of the oscilloscope TDS3032C with output current resolution, this paper uses the high-precision digital meter 3458A instead of oscilloscope as the standard for measuring the amplitude of pulse current. In this paper, we investigate the configuration problem of 3458A for the trigger level, the delay time and the integration time in the pulse test, which makes the test result more accurate. A calibration system is designed to convert the pulsed current through the Tektronix Company's current amplifier TCPA300 to smaller voltage signal, which can be read by 3458A. Thus, the 3458A is used to measure the high accuracy of 1-2V voltage amplitude. The method is verified through calibration to show higher accuracy, which has a strong practical application value. At last, we give the uncertainty evaluation in the calibration process , the result is less than Urel=0.2% (k=2). More accuracy than using an oscilloscope as a standard measurement.