Integración de generación distribuida en ambientes urbanos - dimensionamiento y localización

This paper presents a methodology for the adequate location and sizing of photovoltaic (PV) distributed generation (UDGD), in an urban distribution network. Likewise, the possible advantages and benefits of integrating PV are determined. A mathematical model is proposed which evaluates two objective functions separately, the first minimizes losses and the second decreases investment costs. The proposed method makes use of daily generation and load curves, so the optimal result is obtained by evaluating 24 hours of the day. The algorithm is implemented in a commercial optimization. To demonstrate its validity, simulations were performed in a thirteen-bar power grid. Results indicate that the use of the objective function of loss minimization results in the allocation of high number of units, whereas when evaluating costs, it is not economically feasible to incorporate the energy generated by the panels due to high investment cost. However, to account for the probable future decrease in costs, a search for the investment value that would make these projects viable is made.