The use of SmartPill for gastric monitoring

Testing to define delayed gastric emptying is required to diagnose gastroparesis; rapid emptying is found in other patients. Commonly performed methods of gastric emptying testing include scintigraphy and breath testing. The SmartPill wireless motility capsule (WMC) system is US FDA-approved for evaluating suspected delayed emptying in gastroparesis and functional dyspepsia. The device measures transit in the stomach, small intestine, and colon by detecting characteristic pH transitions; and quantifies pressure waves in each gut region. WMC gastric emptying times correlate with scintigraphic measures. Incremental benefits of WMC testing in patients with suspected gastroparesis include delineation of pressure abnormalities and small intestinal and colonic transit delays. Acceptance of trial data confirming usefulness of WMC testing in suspected gastric motor disorders has been hampered by small sample sizes and design limitations. Ongoing multicenter studies will validate the utility of WMC methods in patients with suspected gastroparesis and other upper gastrointestinal motor disorders.

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