Specific gravity and percentage dry matter were determined for 1269 potato samples taken over a period of six years. The correlation coefficient between these properties over the whole material was 0.912 and the regression equation was: % dry matter = −217.2 + 221.2 (specific gravity).When the material was broken down into smaller, logically defined groups, such as a single cultivar, regression lines often deviated from this general line, although in most cases the correlation coefficients were still quite high. This means that the quantitative relationship between specific gravity and dry matter content was not sufficiently stable to serve as a general measure of prediction under all conditions. It seems probable that various production areas of the United States will have to develop the line which is best suited to their conditions, and that some cultivars may require separate lines.ResumenSe determinó la gravedad específica y el porcentaje de materia seca en 1269 muestras de papa tomadas sobre un período de seis años. El coeficiente de correlatión entre estas propiedades sobre el total del material rue 0.912 y la ecuación de regresión fue: % materia seca = 217.2 + 221.2 (gravedad específica)Cuando el material fue separado en pequeños, lógicamente definidos, grupos tales como un solo cultivar, las líneas de regresión a menudo se desviaban de esta línea general, aunque en la mayoría de los casos los coeficientes de correlación fueron aun muy altos. Esto significa que la relatión cuantitativa entre gravedad específica y contenido de materia seca no fue suficientemente estable para servir como una medida general de predictión bajo todas las condiciones. Parece probable que varias areas de productión de los Estados Unidos tendrán que desarrollar la línea que más se adapte a sus condiciones y que algunos cultivares puedan requerir líneas separadas.
H. L. Lucas,et al.
Specific gravity — Dry matter relationship in potatoes
American Potato Journal.
R. E. Nylund,et al.
The influence of fertilizers on the specific gravity of potatoes grown in Minnesota
American Potato Journal.
George W. Snedecor,et al.
Statistical methods applied to experiments in agriculture and biology.
P. Schippers.
The influence of storage conditions on various properties of potatoes
American Potato Journal.
O. Smith.
Potatoes: Production, storing, processing
American Potato Journal.
W. Burton.
The Potato, a survey of its history and of factors influencing its yield, nutritive value, quality and storage.
T. Fitzpatrick,et al.
Studies of the relationship of specific gravity to total solids of potatoes
American Potato Journal.
George W. Woodbury,et al.
Specific gravity—Solids correlations in Russet Burbank with respect to point of origin and storage history
American Potato Journal.
William M. Agle,et al.
Specific gravity — dry matter relationship and reducing sugar changes affected by potato variety, production area and storage
American Potato Journal.