The information capacities of two-dimensional optical low-pass channels are discussed. Coherent and incoherent systems operating under finite optical power and area constraints are characterized in terms of two criteria:spacebandwidth product (SBP; the number of pixels required for achieving maximum information capacity) and resolution (G(min); the smallest spot size capable of supporting positive capacity gain). A coherent system operating with an initial signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 5 can achieve a 48% capacity gain by operating at an optimal SBP that is 3.4 times that of the nominal system. The same system has a resolution that is 0.31 times nominal. Incoherent systems experience additional SNR loss, and with an initial SNR of 5 they achieve capacity gains of 29% at the optimal SBP of 2.8 times nominal. The incoherent system resolution is found to be 0.4 times nominal.
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Picture Processing and Digital Filtering
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
Thomas M. Cover,et al.
Elements of Information Theory
Henri Pieron.
Nomenclature of Retinal Ganglion Cells
J. Goodman.
Introduction to Fourier optics
V. Ronchi.
Resolving Power of Calculated and Detected Images
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Resolution: a survey