Applied Strategic Planning, An Introduction

Plan future organizational success! * Keep ASP team members up to speed with this "quick study" * Put all of your ASP Planning team members "in the know" with the Introduction * Keep all of your team members on track with this visual reminder of the process This comprehensive OD resource is a powerful aid to consultants engaged in implementing strategic planning with organizational-planning teams. The Kit is based on the ASP model that consists of two ongoing phases: Environmental Monitoring and Application Considerations, and nine sequential steps that the planning team follows: * Planning to Plan * Values Scan * Mission Formulation * Strategic Business Modeling * Performance Audit * Gap Analysis * Integrating Action Plans * Contingency Planning * Implementation "We have been using the [Applied Strategic Planning] process in our agency and it has helped us to focus and provide needed leadership, given the extended budge crisis and constant change." -Ramon J. Rodriguez, deputy executive director, New York State Division of Equalization and Assessment Components of The ASP Kit: Applied Strategic Planning: The Consultant's Kit: Includes a 554 page looseleaf binder containing 79 up-to-date strategic-planning activities to guide the planning team through each step of the strategic-planning process. Some activities call for supplemental items; most are complete within themselves. Notes to the Consultant and an Overview of Activities begin each chapter. A color transparency of the ASP model is included. One copy of each of the following components is also included (each item below may also be purchased separately): * Applied Strategic Planning: A Comprehensive Guide: (ISBN: 070240205/hardcover/380 pages/USD49.95)Provides an in-depth outline of the strategic-planning process. * Applied Strategic Planning: An Introduction: (ISBN: 0883903180/72 pages/USD20.00) Provides a basic understanding of the ASP process to members of the planning team and other key members who need to understand the process. * Applied Strategic Planning: An Overview: (ISBN: 0883903199/paperback/6 pages/USD6.0 0) A brief synopsis of the process, what needs to happen during each phase, and how to implement the plan. * Applied Strategic Planning Model Handout & Poster: (Handout/ISBN: 0883904489/8-1/2"X11"/6.00 & Poster/ISBN: 0883903377/27" X 34"/25.00) Full-color model in handout and poster formats. * Diagnosing Organizational Culture Instrument: (ISBN: 0883903164/paper/32 pages/USD12.00) This instrument helps identify and evaluate significant cultural patterns within the organization. * Diagnosing Organizational Culture Trainer's Package: (ISBN: 0883905329/USD28.00) Includes a training manual (paper/57 pages)and one copy of the Diagnosing Organizational Culture Instrument. C&RT (Creativity and Risk Taking Instrument): (ISBN: 0883900254/paper/24 pages/USD12.50) This instrument assesses individuals' creativity and risk-taking orientations. With The ASP Kit, you'll be able to: * Lead an organization through the ASP process - from planning through implementation * Guide a planning team through each phase of this powerful design * Introduce a strategic-planning approach that gives optimum clarity and results * Assist the team in identifying significant patterns within the organization * Support the organization's development of a strategic plan that will ensure future success TIMING: Approximately 3 days per component (12 days per year) AUDIENCE: Managers and top executives (active participants in the ASP process)