Handbook of Applied Linguistics

List of FiguresList of TablesNotes on ContributorsAcknowledgementsGeneral Introduction: Applied Linguistics: Subject to Discipline? Alan Davies (University of Edinburgh) and Catherine Elder (Monash University).Part I: Linguistics-Applied (L-A):Introduction to Part 1: Alan Davies (University of Edinburgh).Section 11. Language Descriptions: Antony .J.Liddicoat (Griffith University) and T.J.Curnow (La Trobe University).2. Lexicography: Alan Kirkness (University of Auckland).Section 23. Second Language Acquisition and Ultimate Attainment: David Birdsong (University of Texas, Austin).4. Language Corpora: Mike Stubbs (University of Trier).5. Discourse Analysis: Hugh Trappes-Lomax (University of Edinburgh).6. British Sign Language: Rachel Sutton-Spence (University of Bristol) and Bencie Wol (City University London).7. Assessing Language Attitudes: Speaker Evaluation Studies: Howard Giles (University of California, Santa Barbara) and Antony L. Billings (Clemson University).8. Language Attrition: Monika S. Schmid (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) and Kees de Bot (University of Groningen).9. Language, Thought, and Culture: Claire Kramsch (University of California, Berkeley).10. Conversation Analysis: Rod Gardner (University of New South Wales).Section 411. Language and the Law: John Gibbons (Hong Kong Baptist University).12. Language and Gender: Susan Ehrlich (York University).13. Stylistics: John McRae (University of Nottingham) and Urzula Clark (University of Wolverhampton).Section 514. Language and Politics: John E. Joseph (University of Edinburgh).15. World Englishes: Kingsley Bolton (University of Hong Kong).Section 616. The Philosophy of Applied Linguistics: Kanavillil Rajagopalan (State University at Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil).Part II: Applied-Linguistics (A-L):Introduction to Part II: Catherine Elder (Monash University).17. The Native Speaker in Applied Linguistics: Alan Davies (University of Edinburgh).18. Language Minorities: John Edwards (St. Francis Xavier University).19. Research Methods for Applied Linguistics: Scope, Characteristics, and Standards: James Dean Brown (University of Hawai'i, Manoa).Section 820. Second Language Learning: William Littlewood (Hong Kong Baptist University).21. Individual Differences in Second Language Learning: Rod Ellis (University of Auckland).22. Social Influences on Language Learning: Gary Barkhuizen (University of Auckland).23. Literacy Studies: Eddie Williams (University of Wales, Bangor).Section 924. Fashions in Language Teaching Methodology: Bob Adamson (Queensland University of Technology).25. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL): Paul Gruba (University of Melbourne).26. Language Teacher Education: Richard Johnstone (University of Stirling).27. The Practice of LSP: Helen Basturkmen (University of Auckland) and Catherine Elder (University of Auckland).28. Bilingual Education: Heather Lotherington (York University, Toronto).Section 1029. Language Maintenance: Anne Pauwels (University of Western Australia).30. Language Planning as Applied Linguistics: Joseph Lo Bianco (Language Australia: NLLIA).31. Language Testing: Tim McNamara (University of Melbourne).Section 1132. Critical Applied Linguistics: Alastair Pennycook (University of Technology, Sydney).Index.