Theantibiotic distamycin A isaDNAminorgroove binding drug(MGB)that recognizes astretch ofaleast fourATs.Thealkylating benzoyl mustard derivative tallimustine (FCE24517) haspowerfull anti-tumor activity. Using theelectrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA)we determined thatbothcompoundscan prevent binding ofTBP and,with10-fold higher concentration, TBP-TFIIA (DA)andTBP-TFIIA-TFIIB (DAB)toaTATAbox.Onceformed, theDAandDAB complexes aremoreresistant toMGBchallenge. Both drugscaninhibit basalinvitro transcription ofa minimal TATA-containing promoter andsimilar concentrations arenecessary forbinding andtranscriptional inhibition. Tallimustine showsstrong selectivity bydecreasing onlycorrectly initiated transcripts. Even athighdoses(20gM), however, theycannot disturb a competent pre-initiation complex orPol11progression. Thisfunctional invitro modelwill provide awayto investigate theactivity ofsequence-specific
M. Horikoshi,et al.
TFIIA induces conformational changes in TFIID via interactions with the basic repeat
Molecular and cellular biology.
K. Struhl,et al.
Yeast and human TATA-binding proteins have nearly identical DNA sequence requirements for transcription in vitro
Molecular and cellular biology.
M. V. Van Dyke,et al.
DNA-binding and transcriptional properties of human transcription factor TFIID after mild proteolysis
Molecular and cellular biology.
D. Reinberg,et al.
Initiation of transcription by RNA polymerase II: a multi-step process.
Progress in nucleic acid research and molecular biology.