Model-based development

Contents in this issue This issue contains the second part of the regular papers that have been nurtured from Models'05 conference. In the last issue 2007/4, we saw the first part of these papers accompanied with a tutorial by Geri Georg and Lionel Briand. These papers are " Simplifying Autonomic Enterprise Java Bean Applications via Model-driven Development: a Case Study " by the authors Jules White, Douglas Schmidt, and Aniruddha Gokhaleand the second " Refactoring OCL Annotated UML Class Diagrams " by Slavisa Markovic and Thomas Baar. In the first paper, Jules White, Douglas C. Schmidt, and Aniruddha Gokhale present a tool that graphically captures Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) application design, quality of service requirements, and autonomic properties. The paper also describes how tools can be used to generate code that simulates such systems for verification purposes. In the second paper, Slavisa Markovic and Thomas Baar present formalized refactoring rules for Object Constraint Language (OCL) constraints in UML impacted by refactor-ing of their associated class diagrams. The rules are presented as a graph-grammar inspired formalism, and they have also been implemented as Queries/Views/Transformations (QVT) transformation rules in a commercial tool. The problem of syntactic preservation is discussed and the KeY tool is used to show how this problem can be resolved.