Abstract Comparison of the wear on metal shares in the field shows that the abrasive action of soil may be generally similar to that of bonded abrasives. An investigation of the wear of a diverse selection of metallic materials on bonded abrasive discs was therefore undertaken in an attempt to produce and observe phenomena encountered in the field. This exploratory work is to be reported in several parts concerned with hard abrasive wear, evaluation of hardness and strength at high strain, and soft abrasive wear. In the present paper it is found that some of the relationships previously thought to apply in hard abrasive wear are acceptable only as broad approximations. The wear of materials comprising coarse multiphase structures probably depends upon size scale ratios. Transformation occurs in two austenitic steels. The relative wear of metals and alloys varies by ± 10 or 20 % on different abrasives of similar grit size and appears systematic with respect to the abrasiveness of the test surface. Changes also occur with load and grit size. It is suggested that the strength properties developed in the worn material and their effect on wear may depend on the geometry and strength of the engaging abrasive surface.
F. P. Bowden,et al.
The Friction and Lubrication of Solids
R.C.D. Richardson,et al.
The wear of metallic materials by soil—Practical phenomena*
A. J. Sedriks,et al.
The effect of work-hardening on the mechanics of cutting in simulated abrasive processes
A. J. Sedriks,et al.
Mechanics of cutting and rubbing in simulated abrasive processes
B. W. Mott.
Micro-indentation hardness testing
H. Wilman,et al.
The different behaviour of hexagonal and cubic metals in their friction, wear and work hardening during abrasion
G. K. Nathan,et al.
The empirical relationship between abrasive wear and the applied conditions
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A theory of friction and wear during the abrasion of metals
L. Samuels,et al.
The abrasion of metals: A model of the process