Restructuring strategy : new networks and industry challenges

List of Contributors. About the Editors. 1. Industry Structuring and Restructuring, Strategy and Governance Challenges. James Henderson, Babson College and Karel Cool, INSEAD. Part 1: Industry and Network Competitiveness. 2. Maintaining Collective Assets, The Tragedy of the Commons, and Supply Chain Performance: The Case of the Champagne Industry, James Henderson, Babson College and Karel Cool, INSEAD. 3. Organizing Around Strategic Relationships: Networks of Suppliers as Knowledge Generators in the Italian Motorcycle Industry, Andrea Lipparini, Catholic University, Gianni Lorenzoni, University of Bologna. 4. Assessing the Knowledge Landscape Across Firms in Alliance Networks And Its Impact On Organizational Innovation Performance, Beiqing Yao and Susan McEvily, Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh. 5. Generative Interactions: The New Source of Competitive Advantage, Yves Morieux, Mark Blaxill and Vladislav Boutenko, Boston Consulting Group. Part 2: Successful Business Strategies in Industry Structuring and Restructuring. 6. Sustaining Superior Performance through a Bubble: Interfirm Differences in the e--Consulting Industry, Julia Prats and Ashish Nanda, Harvard Business School. 7. Delaying Market Entry: How Long is Too Long? Moren Levesque, Weatherhard School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Dean Shepherd, Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado. 8. Robust Capabilities? An Empirical Study of Incumbent--Entrant Product Development Capabilities After Radical Technological Change, Neil Jones, INSEAD. 9. The Form of Departure: The Consequences of Adaptation of Franchising Knowledge for Local Network Growth, Gabriel Szulanski, INSEAD, Robert Jensen and Tanya Lee, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Part 3: Superior Management and Governance Practices. 10. A Bayesian Application of the Resource Based View: Narrowing the Gap Between Theory and Practice, Mark Hansen, Lee Perry, Marriott School of Business, Brigham Young University, Shane Reese, Department of Statistics, Brigham Young University. 11. How Much Do Middle Managers Matter, Really? An Empirical Study on their Impact on Sustained Superior Performance, Johanna Mair, IESE. 12. Impact of Justification Behaviour -- The Forgotten Costs of Corporate Governance?, Michael Nippa and Kerstin Petzold, Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg. 13. A New Approach to Improving Board Vigilance: Shift the Focus to Board Process, Ann Mooney, Howe School of Management, Stevens Institute of Technology, Sydney Finkelstein, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College. Index