Arches and short span bridges
This is the seventh of a series of eight books, based on material from Dr. Leliavsky's three-volume Irrigation and Hydraulic design. Its nine chapters deal with: (1) arches--stresses and design procedure; (2) timber bridges--design, example of design of a timber span, strengthening of an existing timber bridge, new tendencies in structural timber design; (3) rolled-joist bridges--two types: with timber flooring and with reinforced concrete slab, calculation and structural details of slabs, rolled-joist bridges in which steel and concrete participate in carrying bending moment; (4) reinforced concrete bridges--design of the slab, cross-girders and main girders; (5) prestressed bridges--theory of prestress, calculation of a prestressed beam, skew spans, popular types for prestressed bridges of moderate span; (6) specifications for steel bridges--earlier and later period, special alloy steels, safety factor, limit design and plastic theories, limit stress for compression, limits for shear and bearing stresses; (7) plate girder bridges--rail bearers and cross-girders, calculation of the main girders and secondary details, rivets and welds; (8) movable bridges--lift and swing bridges; and (9) aqueducts--hydraulic and structural design. (TRRL)