Virilio and Visual Culture

1. Aesthetics, Vision and Speed: An Introduction to Virilio and Visual Culture, John Armitage and Ryan Bishop 2. The Illusions of Zero Time, Paul Virilio 3. Towards a New Ecology of Time, Joy Garnett 4. Strangers to the Stars: Abstraction, Aeriality, Aspect Perception, John Beck 5. Desert Wars: Virilio and the Limits of 'Genuine Knowledge', Caren Kaplan 6. Light Weapons/Darkroom Shadows: Photography, Cinema, War, John Phillips 7. History in the 'Mis-en-Abyme of the Body': Ranbir Kaleka and the 'Art of Auschwitz' after Virilio, Tania Roy 8. Spectres of Perception, or the Illusion of Having the Time to See: The Geopolitics of Objects, Apprehension and Movement in Bashir Makhoul's 'Enter Ghost, Exit Ghost', Ryan Bishop 9. The Event, Jordan Crandall 10. The Face of the Figureless: Aesthetics, Sacred Humanism and the Accident of Art, John Armitage 11. What We Do is Secrete: On Virilio, Planetarity and Data Visualisation, Benjamin H. Bratton 12. Relics of Acceleration: A Field Guide, Gair Dunlop 13. The Production of the Present, Ian James .