HERIe: A Web-Based Decision-Supporting Tool for Assessing Risk of Physical Damage Using Various Failure Criteria

ABSTRACT HERIe is a web-based decision-supporting software tool to facilitate the management of collection environments by precise assessment of climate-induced risk of physical damage to vulnerable objects. The software translates the relative humidity and temperature data recorded in the environment of the analysed object into a strain history experienced by it, and estimates the risk of physical damage using selected failure criteria. As all information is pre-calculated for the user, no engagement in complex and time-consuming numerical simulations is required. HERIe is available for testing at herie.mnk.pl. Detailed information on the methodologies used by the software is available at the above website which also contains tutorial climates. The current work aims at refining HERIe by selecting the damage criteria not only from laboratory studies but also from direct monitoring damage accumulation in objects, especially using the acoustic emission method. The software has been expanded to include moisture-induced response of parchment to support managing environments in libraries and archives.