The Hydro-Thermal Optimization (HTO) system optimizes the weekly electric production schedules of Pacific Gas and Electric Company's diverse resource mix. PG&E developed HTO to reduce operating costs, forecast marginal costs, and position itself for competition. PG&E implemented the system after extensive prototyping and validation and uses HTO daily for unit commitment, hydro scheduling, energy trading, fuel forecasting, resource evaluation, and marginal cost-based pricing. PG&E estimates annual benef its of HTO conservatively at $15 million. On a broader scale, PG&E has used HTO to analyze auction protocols for a deregulated power market and demonstrated that use of HTO-like tools to administer a power auction, as is done in the UK, could result in profit distribution inequities among bidders. HTO thus enabled PG&E to support a profound change in California's restructuring of the electric industry, from the proposed UK-type pool to a decentralized decision-making framework in which bidders optimize their own operations. As a result, California's $20 billion electric-power market will realize increased efficiencies and savings for both taxpayers and consumers.
George Gross,et al.
PGandE's State-of-the-Art Scheduling Tool for Hydro Systems
A. Merlin,et al.
A New Method for Unit Commitment at Electricite De France
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems.
John A. Muckstadt,et al.
An Application of Lagrangian Relaxation to Scheduling in Power-Generation Systems
Oper. Res..
S. Oren,et al.
Equity and efficiency of unit commitment in competitive electricity markets
D. Bertsekas,et al.
Optimal short-term scheduling of large-scale power systems
1981 20th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes.
Luís Ferreira,et al.
Short-term resource scheduling in multi-area hydrothermal power systems