U.S. Department of Defense Services Contract Spending and the Supporting Industrial Base, 2000-2011
Abstract : The first goal of this research is to analyze trends in Department of Defense (DoD) services contract actions from 1990-2011 for the DoD overall and for individual DoD components (Army, Navy, Air Force, and other); by area of defense services contract action; and by level of competition, type of contract, and type of funding mechanism. The second goal is to analyze the composition of the industrial base supporting DoD service contracts by using a breakdown of the defense services industrial base into small, medium, and large companies, and by identifying the top 20 defense services companies (by total dollars obligated) for the DoD overall and for each DoD component (Army, Navy, Air Force, and other). Six categories of services serve as the foundation for this analysis: Information and communications technology (ICT) services; Professional, administrative, and management services (PAMS); Research and development (RD Facility-related services and construction (FRSC and Medical services. The Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) is the primary data source for this project, supplemented with the Bloomberg government contract database and verified with the USASpending.gov query tool. This annotated brief presents the preliminary findings of this research, and covers only the years of 2000-2011 for the DoD overall. The presentation includes 14 briefing charts.