Comment on "Estimation of shape parameter for generalized Gaussian distribution in subband decompositions of video"[with reply]

In the original paper by Sharifi and Leon-Garcia (see ibid., vol.5, p. 52-56, Feb. 1995) the authors propose a method to estimate the shape parameter for a generalized Gaussian probability density function to be fitted to the subbands of a video signal. Their method, which uses certain moments of the subband histogram, has in fact already been presented some years ago by Mallat (1989). The authors reply that they thank Murching and Woods for bringing to their attention a previously published work, which has developed the method reported in their paper. They regret that their search of the previous related literature did not reveal the paper by Mallat. They note, however, that the effectiveness of the method in comparison to statistical goodness-of-fit tests, was shown in their work and not in Mallat's.