Applications of fuzzy logic: towards high machine intelligence quotient systems

About the Editors. Preface. List of Contributors. 1. Intelligent Control and Evolution of Mobile Robot Behavior, E. W. Tunstel, Jr. and M. Jamshidi, USA. 2. Fuzzy Control Approach for the Design of Active and Semi- Active Suspension (Comparison with Optimal Control and Variable Structure Control), A. Titli and S. Boverie, FRANCE, 3. Fuzzy Modeling and Modeling-Based Control for Nonlinear System, R. Babu_ka and H. B. Verbruggen, THE NETHERLANDS. 4. Neuro-fuzzy Strategies for Urban Traffic Noise Monitoring, A. Fichera, L. Fortuna, S. Graziani and M. G. Xibilia, ITALY. 5. Synergistic Fuzzy Control, R. E. King, GREECE. 6. Automotive Powertrain Control with Fuzzy Logic, F. Graf and W. Hauptmann, GERMANY. 7. Fuzzy Control of Heavy-Duty Hydraulic Machines, N. Sepehri, CANADA. 8. Two Paradigms of Automotive Fuzzy Logic Applications, M. SchrA"der, R. Petersen, F. Klawonn, and R. Kruse, GERMANY. 9. Fuzzy Maps: Managing Uncertainty in Sensor-Based Motion Planning, G. Oriolo, G. Ulivi, and M. Vendittelli, ITALY. 10. Fuzzy Measurement of Manufacturing Flexibility, N. C. Tsourveloudis and Y. A. Phillips, GREECE. 11. Neo-Fuzzy-Neuron and its Learning Algorithms with Applications to the Modeling of Nonlinear Systems, T. Yamakawa and E. Uchino, JAPAN. 12. Slip Control and Torque Optimization Using Fuzzy Logic, R. Palm and K. Storjohann, GERMANY. 13. On Minimal Models and Automated Rule Generation with the Fuzzy Behaviorist Approach for Vehicle Navigation, F. G. Pin, USA. 14. A Fuzzy Contract Net Approach to Manufacturing Control, N. Vojdani, GERMANY. 15. Fuzzy Distributed Intelligent System for Continuous Production, R. A. Aliev and R. R. Aliev, AZERBAIJAN. 16. The Design of Optimum Fuzzy Control, M. Koch, T. Kuhn, and J. Wernstedt, GERMANY. 17. Fuzzy Tracking Methods for Mobile Robots, A. Ollero, A. Garc'a-Cerezo, J. L. Mart'nez, and A. Mandow, SPAIN. 18. Fuzzy Control for Automotive Engine - Idle Speed Control, S. Boverie, C. Raymond, JM. Le Quellec, and A. Titli, FRANCE. 19. Fuzzy Control of the Shuttle Training Aircraft, S. R. Swanson, USA. 20. Expert Systems and Fuzzy Moves, A. Kandel and Y.-Q. Zhang, USA. Index.