A rapid cytological method for identifying polyploid birds.

Abstract The identification of two adult triploid chickens (Ohno et al., 1963; Shoffner, 1968) and one triploid-diploid mosaic chicken embryo (Bloom and Buss, 1966) has created new interest in searching for polyploid birds. Realizing the difficulties of avian chromosome analyses and the probable low incidence of polyploidy in bird populations (Bloom and Buss, 1967; and unpublished data), a rapid screening method for identifying suspected polyploid individuals would be desirable. Also, with the suggestion that adult triploid chickens are reproductively unfit, such a screening technique could be used in poultry breeding programs. This report describes a simple cytological technique for polyploid identification through nucleolar analysis. METHODS AND MATERIALS Developing body feathers were plucked from 5 male and 5 female adult Single Comb White Leghorn chickens (i.e., serving as diploid controls) and placed directly into 45% acetic acid for 5–10 minutes. Feathers from a triploid White Leghorn chicken were provided by Dr.…