A novel direction-finding method for cyclostationary signals

We develop a method based on the phase-SCORE algorithm of Agee et al. (Proc. IEEE 78 (April 1990) 753) to achieve direction finding for cyclostationary signals. Using the weight obtained from the phase-SCORE algorithm, we construct a subspace orthogonal to the subspace spanned by the direction vectors of uncorrelated signals of interest (SOIs). Finding the directions of the uncorrelated SOIs is then performed according to a subspace-fitting concept. For coping with the coherence between SOIs, we incorporate the proposed method with the well-known spatial smoothing algorithm of Shan et al. (IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech Signal Process ASSP-33 (August 1985) 806) to alleviate the performance degradation due to coherence. Simulation examples for illustration and comparison are also provided.