A Two-Dimensional Bandwidth Extrapolation Technique for Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

The resolution of a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image, in range and azimuth, is determined by the transmitted bandwidth and the synthetic aperture length, respectively. Various superresolution techniques for improving resolution have been proposed, and we have proposed an algorithm that we call polarimetric bandwidth extrapolation (PBWE). To apply PBWE to a radar image, one needs to first apply PBWE in the range direction and then in the azimuth direction, or vice versa . In this paper, PBWE is further extended to the 2-D case. This extended case (2D-PBWE) utilizes a 2-D polarimetric linear prediction model and expands the spatial frequency bandwidth in range and azimuth directions simultaneously. The performance of the 2D-PBWE is shown through a simulated radar image and a real polarimetric SAR image